

Friday, January 23, 2009

Refer to pic above; or He Only Looks Harmless

First let me say, this is probably all my fault. I got our bird addicted to crack. Well, birdy crack that is...otherwise known as millet. He loves the stuff. It all started out as an extra treat for him when we brought home Chug-a-lug. He didn't really like the new bird. That was months ago, and he's turned into having a twig a day habit. Of course that means we are the ones giving it to him, but if we don't...he squawks. Non-stop, not pretty sounding, every 20 seconds or so, until you give in because you swear you are on the verge of madness. You bring on the millet just to SHUT HIM UP! But, for the last few days he's been cut off. Aka, we have run out and are NOT buying anymore. The habit must be broken! If only to save our own sanity and preserve his little birdy existence. Besides, since he was so unkind to Chug-a-lug, Chug no longer lives with us. Thus, the reason the he started getting entire twigs has vanished, and sadly for him now the millet.

Maybe the peacefulness of our house will return once again.