

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lame Blogger

I read enough blogs from Nursing Students to know this; school starts and blog activity is almost nill. While I miss what they have to say and share, I completely understand. For gosh sakes, I'm only a pre-nursing student and yet I find once a quarter begins there goes almost all I hold dear.

For example: Watching the first 15 minutes of the View. Actually taking the time to sit down and have a latte versus sucking it down while on the way to work in the car. Having a clean house without dishes in the sink and shoes spattered all over the downstairs. Reading something fictional. Reading my favorite blogs. Wasting time of Facebook. Taking goofy pictures. Laying on the floor next to April, cat (or cats and bird) entwined intermittently and catching up on the day. Not feeling guilty if I watch a movie. Sleeping in. Going for a drive. Meeting friends for breakfast. Writing...it frees so much room for more thought!!!

It's those simple things I find that seem to fall off the daily map when I'm in class and determined to get great grades. But, at the same time I realize that I miss being on-line and hearing myself think aloud. (aka as writing for me). It has always been a cathartic experience for me and as of late I am lacking in the cathartic department. So, I won't make unrealistic demands of myself - but I will say I'm going to do the best I can to keep at it and blog....Chemistry 120 or no!

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