Okay, so my co-workers and I know it gets pretty busy at our micro-brewery in the summer. Of course, we all still like to leave and go on vacation. This leads to weeks like the last two, where I am scheduled for 6 days in a row or like this week, doubles. Yes, the cash is nice but it does leave one with little time to reflect, contemplate, or even have the energy to care about the usual things.

Hence, my absence. But, not to fret ideas are brewing. The world leaves me much to blog about like the passing of one of my first crushes (remember I'm over 40 and back then he was young and cute and sang about A B C) and how he totally upstaged Farrah by doing so. More about that soon.
In the meantime, I'll be working and plan on doing absolutely NOTHING on Sunday. Thank goodness, April has already forgiven me for not celebrating PRIDE in Seattle with her, lucky me.

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