Okay, so today April and I had to make a tough decision. She received an very unexpected lay off on Friday (although that is a standard part of the Electrical Union). We had thought this job was due to last the year, at least.
We really wanted to have a big ol' shin-dig this summer with all of our friends and family present. The "Commit Me," ceremony it has been dubbed. We reserved the Legion Park Arboretum for the ceremony, a beautiful place where flowers bloom all the time, the trees are magnificent, and there are even a pair of eagles who live next door in a pine tree. It is a wondrous place. The Fireman's Hall was set up for our reception - dowdy on the outside but perfectly adorned inside with all the latest technology available, a bright clean kitchen, and great atmosphere. We picked out the cake. We picked out the caterer and the eats. We even reserved a house in Rockaway Beach, Oregon for our va-kay afterwards. I've been shopping for a dress and April for an outfit she likes.
We sent out save the date cards, ordered invitations. Parents were summoned and invited. Family and friends have all rallied around and made plans to be here.
Sadly, we have made a grown up decision and decided it is best to elope. Neither of us is willing to go into debt to get hitched. To the disappointment of friends who have made plans to come and celebrate with us, we apologize from the bottom of our hearts. To our loved ones who gave their full support, we are sorry as well. We can't tell you how much it means to us that you were willing to be here with us.
Our "day" will come, it just won't be this August. Besides, I actually think it came the day we went to lunch and both had the realization how we felt - and neither of us has ever looked back.
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