Thanks to Julie, April and I went to the Woodland Park Zoo last week to see Mavis Staples in concert. It was seating on the "greens," as they say. Before the first performer came out there was an announcement over the PA, it went something like this: In order for all to have a pleasant listening experience this evening we ask that you ....
1) Please be courteous of the performers and other concert patrons, and refrain from talking while they are on stage.
(Duh...oh for fucks sake...we're at a concert people....who do you think I want to hear?!?!)
2) Please turn off your cell phones and PDA's during the performance.
(For obvious reasons, right?!?!)
3) And some additional blather about how to be a courteous concert attendee.
3) And some additional blather about how to be a courteous concert attendee.
As if everyone here who is smart enough to get on-line, or call, and use a credit card to
purchase tickets is not intelligent enough to know how to behave in public? Obviously, not!
Okay, now can you guess what I'm going to RANT about??? First of all, a majority of the noisy people who were sitting around us did not arrive there until after this announcement. I don't mind children, (even the ones with snotty noses). I don't mind low keyed conversations. I don't mind singing along, swaying, clapping, getting in the groove, and having a damn good time but ...
Come on people...your cell phone conversation from your daughter could have waited. I did not need to know Grandma really missed her and looked forward to seeing her. Really! Do you know how close I came to turning around and grabbing your phone and inserting into a tall glass of water??? And what would you have done? You were too big to get your ass off the grass and chase me down, and I honestly think your husband would have thanked me.
Okay, and for all you mom and dad's with small kids. Do you have to "ask" the three year old 15 times if they want to trade seats with you. Obviously the first time she ignored you, you could have stopped asking. Really. You were trying to make nice, but enough all ready. Turn your fucking chair around and look at and listen to the man on stage.
Lastly, political conversations during the concert, really? Is it me or we (the American public) in a state of crisis? Really, want to support the arts? Get some fucking manners while you are attending an event. It just irritates me to no end to think I spent money on tickets for something and now I am sitting next to you. I did not pay to hear your narration of a movie, a play, a concert, or reading. I don't care if you have small children at home and they are your justification for leaving your cell phone or PDA on high alert. Don't leave them with someone who cannot handle whatever might occur.
April and I went to see Spring Awakening (a play) last summer. The girl next to me sat and texted through 3/4's of the performance on her Blackberry (read: bright light radiating from her lap). Obviously, she knew actors in the play. Obviously, she had auditioned for the play or was in it at some point...but for fucks sake. Once again, the announcement had been made about turning off everything...but we individualized Americans think we are the exception to these requests. Why?
I once sat in front of someone who popped their gum through an entire evening of Lily Tomlin. It's a good thing I am anti gun, trust me.
It's getting to the point where I am often embarrassed to be one of us. I wonder if people in other countries experience this arrogance.
I find it amazing that we even have to ask people to display common courtesy...am I the only one? What do you think? I know this has happened to you...and more importantly is there a cure?
I see a day coming when every establishment has a cell/PDA blocker in their building so we can enjoy the moment. What a concept!
This has LONG been a complaint of mine, but one of my sisters made the comment that I sounded like a little old lady ("In MY day, we didn't....") so I stopped. But, I inwardly seethe.
Ooh, Miz Jamie NEVER drops the F-bomb unless it's serious. And I totally agree with her. Just because you can talk to people on the phone from just about anywhere doesn't mean you should. Shut off the phone and be a participant in life for a change. Frickin' morons.
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