Sometimes I get this feeling, for lack of a better term I'll just call it that - In The Middle Feeling. It's not good, but it's not bad. It's not boredom nor massive random thoughts that are bouncing around like pop corn in my head.
It's almost restlessness, but not quite. Almost malaise, but not that either. Do you see where I'm headed...somewhere towards the middle.
Why do I mention this, write about it, because I find it rather stymies me. It stymies me in many ways. For instance, not ready to sleep but not feeling wide awake either. I want to write, but the words are just floating around my head - not demanding to be put onto page. (Although, going to try to put that to good use anyways!) House needs attention, could be cleaned, but just don't feel enough motivation to get up and take care of it!
It's just that limbo land...how I often feel after a very busy day at work. Ha-rumph!
Do you ever feel this way, and if so what do you call it? How do you move out of it!??
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