Sometimes life is more than just a test. So, I had my chem exam last Thursday. What a week it was for me. Before you shrug, and wonder what's the big deal remember I am NOT a math geek, and chem is mostly math. Tried as hard as I could but was unable to get a tutor so I muddled through on my own. Lots and lots of homework, in fact I felt like today's fifth grader I had so much homework.
I am also normally a great test taker, not so in the course. Even when I took an exam I thought I excelled at the results were not quite stellar. But, still I passed, whew!
Over the years I have learned for some topics, in order for me to excel I must study like a demon. That means writing myself notes, flash cards, attending every class time, and paying attention. It means many visits to the library where I can soak up new information in the solitude. I just have to work at it, but I have learned I am capable of being an A student.
So, the point I'm leading to is this...I have not been to present in any other area of my life for the last 3 months. Not just at home, but everywhere else as well. I've let things go, like the house. Socially, I feel like a complete hermit. Luckily our friends know, and have understood and tried to help keep April company while I am studying or working.
Thursday rolled around, and like a big unexciting climax it happened and was done. Nothing too eventful as far as the test went. I thought I did well enough to pass baring any major brain farts or mathematical catastrophes. Class was done, I was expected at work a half an hour later. Life continues onward.
But, the rest of the week was tough. Strange customers, many of them, over and over and over until I was feeling like running from the restaurant screaming. By late Friday afternoon I was done with the week. I arrived home and announced that we were going out and I was in no mood to be told otherwise. I was going out even if I had to go alone. For the very first time in my life I could understand the man stopping at the local watering hole for a drink before arriving home. Perhaps, I should have done that, but did not. I just felt the urge to have a few drinks and completely get out of my head - leave the week behind me, so to speak. The test, all the time away, my girlfriend (who by this point is looking at me with very wary eyes) whom I have been missing, and last but not least work and all it's intricacies.
Lucky for us, our good friends Kay and Tori were out at Fred's in Snohomish. There they met up with another friend they invited to their table, Speedy. We headed to Fred's and I felt like couldn't arrive there fast enough. Thank goodness for friends. Their smiling faces were good to see, their laughter good to hear, and their hugs the best. A pint of heffie and some killer halibut tacos and began to feel like my old self. By the end of the night, as we sat around the fire pit I was so thankful. I could feel the craziness of the last week falling away from me. I was not hung over the next morning, in fact I felt refreshed when I arrived at work. I mean, I finally had some "life" back in me. Talked with friends about it all, laughed, ate, drank, and got caught up.
I am definitely an older student, and I have a life I miss when I'm ignoring it. I savor my free time and my relationship more than I ever.
By Sunday morning, after another night out with friends and a little drinking and dancing and I felt so much better. On Sunday afternoon, we walked over to "Sorticulture" at Legion Park. We smiled at the babies, loved up some puppies, looked at beautiful plants and art work, and ate some pretty good food. Sometimes I think we need a shot of "life" so we can carry on with the more demanding aspects of being an adult.
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