One of things I hear many people say in school is this, "When will I ever use this skill in my real life?" As in why do I have to take this class that seems to be a waste of time and just another hoop to jump through. While I can relate, to some degree there are things you learn in life that you just never know when you will use them.
I can't remember her name. I can tell you she was lean. She wore old fashioned A lined, past the knee length skirts and feminine blouses. I seem to recall long hair, worn up in bun sometimes. She wasn't the nicest teacher, but not the worst I had either. I suppose I could un-earth my old Jr. High School yearbook and try to find her. But here's the thing, I use those 7th grade typing skills she drilled into us, everyday of my life. And, I'm thankful to have them.
First thing this morning, I sat down to check my e mails, catch up on Facebook, look up a class I need to take for work. I thought of this woman, who so long ago in a chilly, high ceiling room, full of wiggly 12 and 13 year olds taught me where to place my fingers on a keyboard (typewriter then!) and let them fly. Now, while I'm no typing ace, I still can pull down 55 to 60 wpm (words per minute) when tested. Not too bad for a skill I was taught a long time ago. More than 30 years to be almost exact, ha!
So, some days when I'm struggling with learning the chemical formula for cyanide or acetone I will remember her. I will be thankful I can still take in new information and commit it to memory, because truly if I can come back 30 some thirty years plus from today and recall it for a useful purpose, well kudos to Professor Steve Powell and myself as well.
You never know.
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