I don't have that kind of brain. Damn. I have the brain that can remember what you wore to a wedding five years ago. Who your date was, what they did for a living, and most likely what we were served to eat at said function.
I can remember how to find my way somewhere, even if I've only ever been there once before - 90% of the time. Not only that but I can usually figure out a better way or another route to get there easier the next time. I have an inner compass that has seldom failed me. In fact probably only twice in the last 20 years or more.
I can remember people's names. People I met once, at summer camp in Santa Barbara 31 years ago a few times. Someone I worked with 23 years ago at FHP. Not only remember their name, but recognize them thousands of miles away from home.
I'm usually know to be a fantastic gift giver because I remember what you said you liked or wanted months prior. It goes into some magical file I have in my head. It is instantly triggered when said gift is magically sitting there in front of me while shopping. I remember that kind of stuff.
Lyrics to songs. Those I can recall so well I usually have a bounty of them running though my brain. I am likely to pop off with said lyrics when you say something that triggers them in my mind. I'm sure it gets annoying. April swears it's funny, thank god.
But, the brain I don't have is the instant math brain. It takes tons of reading, practicing, and effort for me to "get it." I have to do oodles of homework, at a pace close to a snails just to do it right and understand it. I have to do even more in order to pass the exams beset in front of me. It takes much dedication and a diligent attitude.
So, forgive me if I seem a bit flaky my 17 year old lab partner who informed me she is, "Bored during the lectures." She didn't stay to do the work, just filled in the data and was ready to roll. She presumed I didn't read the material. I did, but unlike her brain mine is still trying to grasp the idea of cm to mL. Centimeters to milliliters, any conversion factors as a matter of fact. Especially metric to English and vice versa. Dimensional Analysis. Density findings. Oh lord, isn't there a chip out there I can hack into and just hook up to my brain. It's good for so much useless recall, I'd love to have instant understanding of these concepts - if only for twelve more quarters. Is that too much to ask?
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