Our beloved friend Julie is outta here. Done with the snow and a rear wheel drive truck last winter and now in the looking for work category she decided it was time to leave the Pacific NW behind her.
Who can blame her, when she loves the sun and warmer temperatures. And hates the snow, or being stuck at home for a good week last December. She figures that while she's not originally from Texas, it must be home. It's the third time she's returned to that big ol'state. Job prospects look much improved when compared to Washington and costs of living (at least for homes) are about half the price they are here.
We will miss Julie. Friday after work Porter at Scuttlebutt. Scheming up another White Trash party for the summer (she does have the very best sense of humor). Just hanging out and playing silly board games and laughing. Oh, and who can forget the Palin/Biden debate. Needless to say, one more mention of "Mavrick" by Mrs. Palin and Julie and April would have had to miss work the next day due to a well planned drinking game.
Julie is kind. She is funny. She knows how to find a good bargain and practically anything on the web. She is up on her politics, but not a jerk when discussing it. She can cook up some mean southern food. She has a soft spot for cats (she is mom to Jack Jack's sister, Lilly) and took in Paris who otherwise was going to end up in a shelter. She's my girl's best friend, and for that I'm thankful. She can spin a tale or a job description on a resume like the best wizard I know. She's amazingly creative. A computer addict. She gardens. She is well read and likes the same off the mainstream films as I. She is even a licensed ordained minster, Rev. JuJu Glen we call her. She is to be the officiate at our "commitment" ceremony. She's vowed to us she will be back to perform it!
Did I mention, we will miss her greatly? We will and we wish her the very best of luck and fortune. Salado is lucky to have her.
1 comment:
Yer makin' me cry, dang nabbit! Big ol' sloppy hugs to ya -- and you better come see me soon, okay? The weather is fabulous here. Seriously. No snow in the forecast either!
-- Rev JuJu
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