I am sitting here in the college computer lab, printing out the answer keys my professor has provided. I get up to walk over to the printer to pick up my paperwork, and low and behold - I think, "Man, I know I'm tired but now I'm seeing double." "I'm officially starting to really lose it." Why, because there are two very young boys sitting side by side at two separate computers. And for a moment I wasn't sure if I had looked wrong, or was just loosing my marbles. No, not completely. Finally it hits me, duh, they identical twins who should not be allowed to travel in a pair around old ladies who are trying to pass chemistry. It's that simple. At least I figured it out before they left the lab. I began to think it was one more link in the crazy chain I've been wearing. Man, can you say sleep? Tutor? And seven more weeks to go. Wish me luck. Wish April luck.
I've decided if I am really serious, I'd best start forgoing tv, baseball watching, and all forms of life other than homework, tutoring center, class, work, sleeping, and eating. I know it sounds rash but if I really want to pass this class, it feels like that is what it's going to take. It's the kind of behavior that got me on the dean's list before. Now, while I realize that is unlikely event this quarter - I still need to pass and pass with a B average. And side by side, identical twins just don't help.
I've decided if I am really serious, I'd best start forgoing tv, baseball watching, and all forms of life other than homework, tutoring center, class, work, sleeping, and eating. I know it sounds rash but if I really want to pass this class, it feels like that is what it's going to take. It's the kind of behavior that got me on the dean's list before. Now, while I realize that is unlikely event this quarter - I still need to pass and pass with a B average. And side by side, identical twins just don't help.
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