

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What the heck???

I wish we had a nanny cam. Or maybe several placed in very specific places in my home. I arrived home from work yesterday to find two very guilty looking furry children sitting on the stairs.

If you are a mom, you know the look. The eyes roll a bit back to one side, and small but slight smile, and a little too much love for you when you walk in the room. And yes, damn straight I do believe my furry children have mastered the same "act" as your unfurry children. And yes, I do give attribute some human attributes to them. I wondered exactly what was up with them.

Here's why. The bird was silent when I walked in the door. This is not normal. I knew something was up, and immediately looked at Jack and Toupe and asked, "Where is Pidge?" As if they'd answer.

I immediately looked down to the carpet and flooring. No bird feather parade in sight, thank goodness. Did they just rip him beak to talons and eat the entirety of him? I'm thinking to myself, "Crap, Jack finally got him."

All of a sudden I can hear this far off squawk. It's the same one I usually hear when I walk in from the garage. Only it's coming from upstairs.

I proceed to walk upstairs, only I can't seem to find him. I can hear him. Pidge is all the way in the corner of our room, in April's open closet. He's sitting on the pillow that the cats sleep upon. He hears me, then sees me and begins squawking in earnest. He happily steps up on my hand and sits on my shoulder.

Oh the story he told me. God, I wish I spoke bird because I can only imagine what he so passionately told me. He was obviously scared and excited. It was quite a story.

The bird was so quiet the rest of the evening and happy to be on his cage.

Whatever happened I wish the cats would do it again, just to tucker the little bugger out.

1 comment:

justsomedame said...

What makes you think our kids are UNfurry. They get that way after all the sticky stuff on them has been rolled in grass and pet hair. Oh believe me, they're furry all right.