Have you watched this new show? First episode I wasn't so sure, by the second one I was hooked. I don't know what it says about me, but I really like this program. Thanks Showtime!
First there is Tara. 30 something, probably almost 40. Two teens. Daughter is oldest, doing typical rebellion stuff. Son, is younger, gay and in high school. Both have some redeeming value despite the fact they inhabit teenage bodies. Tara lives in a typical suburban neighborhood. Track home. Drives a cute kiwi green VW Bug. Character is blessed with amazing artistic talent. Not to mention she is married to Max, John Corbett in real life. Hunka-hunka!!
Her life appears to be representative of most of the middle class women I know except for one thing. When stressed, anxious, uncomfortable, etc...she slips into various personalities. Each of whom has definite personality and character attributes. Theme of show as of late is trying to uncover the reason this disorder was triggered in the first place. Trying to recall the horrific event that brought about this way of coping. So far, one college rape - by two men, does not win the prize. Turns out she was "T" at the time of said incident.
But here is my point-don't we all call on certain characteristics in awkward times to get by? Really, don't you have that voice you pull out of nowhere that makes a lasting impression? Indeed said receiver has no doubt you are NOT MESSING AROUND about this point. Or you put on your "super wife" cape and yes, clean the house, do the shopping, cook the meal, have the entire family of 23 over for Easter dinner, and look amazing while doing it? I mean, in a way I think we are all Tara's, we just manage to incorporate our "selves" a little more smoothly. God knows it would be impossible to wear the "super wife" cape everyday, but now and again it is possible.
A quick review of Tara's alters:
Alice: wow, she is the 50's mom on steroids. Perfect hair, ironed apron and dress, panty hose, heels, and can cook and clean like a robot. Even her speech is perfect. Tone and all. She's even learning french. Cannot relate to teenage daughter, but gets along well with son. Wants Tara to get pregnant.
Buck: Is a man who looks like the worst lesbian, trucker, red neck you can imagine. Smokes, drinks, scratches, likes to watch porn and wrestling. Effectively kicked the ass of creepy boyfriend who once belonged to teen age daughter. It was amazing. What every mom dreams of being able to do, but would never!
"T": Probably the toughest character for me to like. She's a teenager with the whale tale, stupid hair and attitude to go with it. Obnoxious, and wayyyyyyyyy overtly sexual. She's the one who would get a tattoo, seduce son's boyfriend, and make out with strangers when alter is present. One of the ladies who is bound to get that lovely "rode hard and put away wet"look somewhere down the line - if this is who Tara really was.
And lastly, the newest alter to appear:
Gimmie. Gimmie appears to be that pure primal that lies somewhere in all of us. Words fail this character. Grunts, moans, and general animalistic sounds emit from Gimmie. Picture Toni Collette hunkered down, knees bent, hair in flight covered by very minimal fabric. First time view of Gimmie was with a plastic poncho and second time covered in a sheet (Tara tried to tell her wacky sister she didn't do well with massage). Gimmie is the one who would knock down an attacker and do him more harm than he could ever dream of doing to us. The one who relies on the base instincts of who we are to make a point. Gimmie is the one who pissed all over her idiot father as he slept on her sofa sleeper. After all , he wanted her kids to move in with him and his wife.
What secret parts of yourself do you employ to get through? Have there been good or bad consequences of using these non-conformist parts of your personality? Do you even think it's possible to relate to this character on United States of Tara? Or, is it just me? Again!
Stories of my own "unusual" selves to come...but no surprises here. So far, I am still just the one and only me.