

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow Days

I did not grow up in the PNW (Pacific North West) as most of you who take the time to read my blather know so snow days are new to me. Those pictures I posted a few days ago were only the beginning. There is not only a good deal of snow all around the neighborhood, but ice as well. Ice is more the reason for snow days. Have you seen the videos of crazy humans trying to navigate up and down the hills in Seattle? It's almost embarrassing and it makes me oh so grateful for off the street parking. The last thing I want to wake up to is my car buried in a pile of car dominoes. This car sliding video was shot locally and is exactly of which I speak.

I told April yesterday, "If I was a kid, I'd be so excited!" But the truth is, I am excited! I am still working on collecting the proper gear to wear out in it but I still absolutely love it. She does not, so I need to find someone who wants to go "play." There are a few little ones in the immediate neighborhood that I might make a snow man with if the rain does not wash it all away, as predicted tomorrow.

I was off of work yesterday, which was good because due to the icy weather and horrible driving conditions they closed the restaurant. I due in there at 5pm today. I am hoping for another "snow day." Hot coco, movies, some studying, and layers of clothes and a blanket. You just can't beat that!

1 comment:

Alyson said...

I LOVE IT!! I tried to make a Snow Cat for Penny, like 3 times!! and 3 times the little shit completely destroyed them. She dives head first into the snow & digs straight down like she thinks I have hidden something in there for her!!

I wish we lived closer so we could play in the nsow together!!
