Sunday, Sunday, Sunday in our house is Seahawks football and sometimes Sounders Soccer. Yesterday was both.
But, I am getting ahead of myself. We got up early. We were actually at Starbucks by 8:15 am ON A SUNDAY MORNING!!! You are shocked I know, but truly not nearly as shocked as I. The interesting thing is that I wasn't even really tired. Met up with friends and had a good time laughing and talking for a good 3 hours. The time just flew by.
April and I were off to run our errands and arrived home somewhere around 2ish. She turned on the TV and we watched as the Seahawks got completely annihilated. Sad, sad, sad. It was easy to take a quick nap since there appeared to be no hope for the Hawks.
Since I had finished all my homework by Friday we caught up on Grey's Anatomy (a bit overly dramatic, if you ask me) and then onto the soccer game. Unfortunately, our Sounders were unable to beat the Galaxy. All the same, I know the Lewis family will be thrilled if Eddie ends his career with a Galaxy by taking the finals. That would be a nice way to retire! So, go Galaxy!! (Oh, and yes that means he plays with Mr. Beckham.)
But, all in all. I'm not missing the noise box so much. It's a good thing.
1 comment:
I love it! Just getting caught up on your blog postings (need to get working on my own as well). This reminds me of when we lost service for 2 weeks, it was tough (no internet was painful), but in the end we spent a lot more time together, which was great! We had agreed to plan our TV watching better, picking only things we really wanted to see. French TV is WAY different. There is a law prohibiting advertisements after 8pm on the public channels (the French pay a tax of about 200 Euros a year for TV and radio). Even with ads, and with the exception of one or two channels, no show is ever interrupted by commercials. American TV is much like you described, a constant flash of changing images and sounds that sort of leaves you a little brain-dead. I'm curious to know if you find your attention span improving? The live sports events are a problem, but if it was me, I'd keep the Netflix and internet (for Hulu - which I sadly, sadly miss thanks to geo-blocking) and lose the TV.
Good luck !
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