I swear it's like going off a really good drug (not that I would know that personally but I've heard). The damn thing was almost calling to me this afternoon to be turned on, immediately! All I wanted to do was sit down and catch up on a favorite show I DVR'd. But dang it all to heck, I didn't succumb. Nope! Day three of getting used to quiet at home and I must admit tonight when I walked in the door it was actually wonderful. Funny thing, I can actually feel that I am tired. Normally, I would just sit down and watch TV to unwind. I feel like I wouldn't even notice that my body feels tired I'd just tune in and tune out, if you will. So instead I checked Facebook and I read a few of my favorite blogs (http://dooce.com/ and http://drgrumpyinthehouse.blogspot.com/) Had a good laugh and now here I am.
Another positive development and shocking truth is that the house is cleaner than I've kept it in months, maybe years!!!! Someone will love me for that! To top it all off I got almost an entire chapter of home work done today. Hmmmmm, this no TV thing just might be a good thing. It may take a while to adjust to but today it does not seem impossible. Well, not entirely.
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