WOW, who would of thought I'd get used to NOT having the TV on so quickly. Honestly! Truly! Now when I look at the big empty flat screen box sitting in the corner I'm not so pulled into it. In fact, part of me feels like if I turn it on it will once again return to sucking the life out of me. Ha, not really but it does sorta feel that way some days, right? Especially with all the political ads as of lately. Now comes the bickering about who really won, etc...
As a disclaimer, I do intend to watch my Netflix and Hulu from time to time. I will probably par-take in the shows I DVR 'd this Sunday. Glee, Sons of Anarchy, and Grey's Anatomy. I watched Amazing Race on Sunday last week, and will probably tape it again but as of today looks like we can live without the Cable and the Cable bill. S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E, who'd a thunk! But it's not gone yet, so I will report on the final, final outcome.
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