Occasionally, I need to withdrawal from the living, speaking, needing, functioning of others. I mean I still have a bird with needs and demands not to mention the cats who all like to compete with the bird for attention.
Don't get me wrong, mostly I love people. They make me laugh. They are often kind and thoughtful. They are always funny to watch, some of us more so than others. I especially like the little version of us. So sweet and pure and real. Like the one that was in the high chair last week and each time I walked up to the table to serve his family he proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs in an aggressive manner. I did not enjoy that little version of us so much.
But seriously, I would say I am a "people" person. But, I find as I get older I need time away from the human race. I'm going to assume my need has increased due to my current employment. Waitressing does not bode well for seeing the best in people.
Even though I have the day away from the restaurant today, I still have obligations. Getting my hair done means listening to the very overly dramatic man who works next to my stylist. Driving there means dealing with humanity on the road. It means I need to be courteous and let others merge and such. Studying means finding the area of the library that perhaps may be quiet. You get the idea. Wherever we go, we are there. In all our humanness, each one of us.
Only today I rather be a puppy or a kitty and just look for friendly playmates who want to tussle then cuddle up and nap. No humanness required.
Aahh...I so get you on that...
Yes, you are def a "people" person! And you are way nicer than I am!! I don't like people much at all.
A few weeks ago or maybe more considering my grey is showing again...I went to Humanity or habitate or some organic, drug free hair salon in Kent. It was actually really nice until my 12yr old "stylist" arrived. I already had my book open and on my lap.
I had already selected my color & cut. I did not want to talk of listen for 2 hours, and had started to read.
But instead she talked to me for 2 1/2hrs..about her unromatic husband, her 4month pregnancy, that it was another girl, that her ist girl was 3, that hubby wanted a boy...how her in-laws found out. I never said a word...not one word.
I didn't want to be outright rude and end up with Monica Lewinsky hair circa Clinton oval office romp era ~ believe me I have had it a few times!!! So I nodded on occasion. I never closed my book once & when she took a breath, I would look down as if to read.
Talk about foul mood when I got home!!:-)Hair looked good though,...but not worth the pain!!:-)
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