So, if you read along you know I have finally surrendered and am trying to get my health and weight back on track.
For me, that means exercise. Yes, the joyous occasion where you dress accordingly, move around a lot, sweat, and then do it again, tomorrow. Oh the joy of it. Now while I've never really enjoyed exercising, I do love the way I feel afterwards. Not to mention the energy it gives me and the results it produces. Today, instead of walking I decided to do some Wii.
Okay, the Wii has a voice that guides you, encourages you, and gives criticism ~ in the nicest way possible. Once I was warmed up, the squats began. About half way through the set I hear, "Your thighs will thank you later for this."
For some reason, that just struck me as funny today.It made me laugh. I began to ponder all the things we do to ourselves that impact our bodies. And just what our bodies (and its parts) would say to us while we are effecting it.
Venti, white mocha, quad shot, extra sweet...can you hear your bodies response? Your heart, "Hey thanks for speeding me up!" Your adrenal glands, "Yeah, me too!" Your esophagus, "Look out here comes the heartburn." Not to mention, your waistline, "What, are you kidding me, were going up in size again!"
And yes, someday I do hope my thighs thank me. Thank me very much.
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