One of the things I hate about dieting is that it feels like my life takes on this turn and right before my very eyes I turn into one of those "crazy diet" people. You know who I am talking about, they write books, talk insessently about what they ate down to the last detail, and let you know how much they have been exercising.
I only know this from experience. In my own life, every time I have had successful weight loss I have become one of them!!! Ah, and now that I feel committed, not too mention a sense of surrender I dread she's coming back. Why, you ask? Well, for one I spent actual time on my lap top looking up calories and fat count for eggs with and without egg whites (entire egg not always the best choice when limiting fat). She there she goes adding a comment to advise on diet!! Ahh! But truly, I need to start keeping track of what I eat. Honestly, my eating can run completely out of control in no time. Did you watch Daris on Biggest Loser last night? I mean the guy has busted his ass for 5 months (lost over a 100 pounds, who does that in 5 months???), and his "crazy diet" person within totally lost it. What, running all day and staying up binging all night??? Me to a lesser extreme, and without the amazing weight loss prior.
Like him, I handle stress and emotions with food. I always have, perhaps I won't always but I am aware it is my crutch if you will. Much like the alcoholic, drug at addict, and drama queen it's where I go when in pain.
Yes, I am thinking of starting a separate blog to find support and encouragement for weight loss on line. Yes, if you are interested I will let you know. Right now, just writing about it daily and and storing it away somewhere private.
I don't want to be bore you with the details. Some of you (most of you) actually have normal eating habits, lucky you.
How do I find a way to do this without driving myself nuts and everyone around me? I don't see the way but I know damn well this old adage...where there is a will, there is a way!
www.myfitnesspal.com tracks your calorie intake, plus how much you use on exercise. Also has a blog and support forum.
Agree about Darius...poor kid. That night time binging is my issue too!!
SOOO glad Michael won!!! But what was with those tight ass jeans?? Holy moly. :-) He is gorgeous though, inside & out! I hope he can keep it off & find happiness within himself. His Mom looked really good too!
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