Really, I should be totally studying. I have another major exam in less than 3 hours, but I just have to say this.
Thank you to all my friends that have just, "lost it," over these last couple of years. You see some weeks back, I was feeling very overwhelmed. Very. Very, so very.
My boss was being his usual self and I was quite worried about my state of employment. My head was spinning because this damn program I've picked to enter at school is CHALLENGING. It's not the dean's list, easy peasy as before for me with these science classes. April was just being April (you know, love means having a relationship = time, attention, etc..) and truly I was starting to feel quite ragged. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.
And then, something clicked. I realized I didn't want to be the next one who's girl was carted off to the ward or jail cell. Sad to say, but it's true. It really got my attention.
I decided it was time to start over for me. I began exercising. Not only do I feel better, my attitude is better, I'm SLEEPING (now that is a miracle!), and my clothes are getting looser. I also decided to start eating right and actually dieting. Yes, I did say it, diet. I just need to feel better for me.
And you know what, even though I should be studying, I know it will be okay. This test may be the one that is the toughest but I am in an okay enough place grade wise and mentally that I think I will be able to pull off a solid B and still type this blog up. Ta-da. She is multi-capable. (Yeah, me.)
Honestly, sometimes things happen and we don't understand why. Maybe these people were in my life just for this purpose. They have suffered but their pain has saved me. It's not often we can learn from the mistakes of others, usually I must do it for myself. But, today I am grateful for having paid attention before things got worse.
BTW, I feel good. Can you tell?
1 comment:
You rock Girl!:-)
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