
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Baby

Absentee Blogger

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Two More Days

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, can you believe it?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Time
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Post Fall Quarter Review

12 weeks goes extremely quickly, when it is actually only 10 weeks and Thanksgiving week is thrown in as well. This quarter went lighting quick. I won't say Medical Terminology was easy peasy, but it was NOTHING akin to all the horrific science classes I have endured. Labs and dead cats to dissected included. Finally, back on the A track and that feels good. Not having to go to the library and study is wonderful. Being able to read fiction or non-fiction for that matter and not feel guilty is a good thing as well.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Snow Days
Sunday, November 21, 2010
First Snow of 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010

I was thinking about people who hurt us. I was thinking of people who hurt us the most. Who are close enough to us to hurt us the most. Our parents, our siblings, our oldest friends, spouses, children.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Post Review Experiment ~ Day 7

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday in our house is Seahawks football and sometimes Sounders Soccer. Yesterday was both.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Experiment ~ Day 6 Rewind

So, last night I did watch Sons Of Anarchy and Medium, that I had recorded during the week. Strange. Weird. Ummmm, here's what I noticed the most;
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Experiment ~ Day 6
Experiment Day Friday
Friday, November 5, 2010
Experiment ~ Day 3 & 4

WOW, who would of thought I'd get used to NOT having the TV on so quickly. Honestly! Truly! Now when I look at the big empty flat screen box sitting in the corner I'm not so pulled into it. In fact, part of me feels like if I turn it on it will once again return to sucking the life out of me. Ha, not really but it does sorta feel that way some days, right? Especially with all the political ads as of lately. Now comes the bickering about who really won, etc...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Experiment ~ Day Three

I swear it's like going off a really good drug (not that I would know that personally but I've heard). The damn thing was almost calling to me this afternoon to be turned on, immediately! All I wanted to do was sit down and catch up on a favorite show I DVR'd. But dang it all to heck, I didn't succumb. Nope! Day three of getting used to quiet at home and I must admit tonight when I walked in the door it was actually wonderful. Funny thing, I can actually feel that I am tired. Normally, I would just sit down and watch TV to unwind. I feel like I wouldn't even notice that my body feels tired I'd just tune in and tune out, if you will. So instead I checked Facebook and I read a few of my favorite blogs (http://dooce.com/ and http://drgrumpyinthehouse.blogspot.com/) Had a good laugh and now here I am.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Experiment ~ Day Two

First, let me say how difficult I found it NOT to turn on the TV last night. I totally use it to keep me company, especially while I'm doing homework and when 10:00 pm rolled around it was like I had an itch I needed to scratch. I didn't but man it was darn near impossible.
One thing I realize for certain is that I use the TV also as a way to relax. Like tonight, I'm too tired to study, don't really want to read (too tired now to focus) and while turning the TV on would be nice I see that just heading up and taking a shower and hitting the hay is probably the best choice. So no TV = not staying up too late tonight. That is a good thing.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Experiment ~ Day One

For quite sometime in my household we keep talking about getting rid of cable. That is our Comcast Cable. It seems that no matter which one we try they all end up costing about $120 bucks a month or more. It seems like such a rip off when I count the number of houses that probably have cable just on my block alone, not to mention paying for "high speed" internet.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Punkin' Lovin'

My friend Tad has taken to posting a "pumkin a day" on Facebook this last week or so. I think it is a great idea. He is also the one who posted the American flag every day for a month before the 4th of July. I'm going to set out in my own neighborhood this week to scout for great pumpkin pics but I just love these shots of white pumpkins. It's a good place to start!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Last One Got Me Thinking

Writing about the LMP aka the Last Menstrual Period, got me thinking about my first one. It is one of the funniest stories of my teenage life, except I wasn't even quite a teenager yet. I was in sixth grade. I was eleven. Eleven for god sakes! I was the ONLY sixth grader to have to bring a purse to school. Oh yay me! Not!
I started my first period in the summer. We were on a family vacation at the river. For those of you who don't know, the river is now a common destination for jet skiers, wake boarders, and people who want to get way out of control and party. But during the era of our visits to the river we mainly water skied and tubed. It was not crowded. It was hot. Hot, as in 100 to 115 degrees easily in the summer. In other words, unless you were in the water or had air conditioning to escape to, it was my idea of miserable. This was before my parents had a mobile home. They had a very small travel trailer and we had no air conditioning. It was unbearably hot and my bunk was on the very top front of the trailer. At our campsite in the Wheeler Inn, there wasn't a tree or sign of shade any where near our small metal box. So imagine this as my refuge.
As I said, these trips were mainly spent water skiing. We also floated around in inner tubes, took running starts and jumped off the dock, and for a longer float jumped off the point and into the river. The current would carry us away towards Big River. My guess at least 80 percent of the day time was spent under or in the water!
I was the proud owner of two very white water skis. I still skied doubles at the point. I was out on a run with my dad at helm of the ski boat. I had gone on the usual tour of up towards Blue Water Lagoon, onto the small damn, and back around. To bring me in Dad headed for the spot on the inlet that we had set up for the day. On shore sat the gang watching my landing. While I was skiing, for reasons I'll never know, I looked down at my skis and they were covered with very dark polka dots all over them. I had no idea what it could have been. They just kept coming. Strange, very strange. As I headed closer into shore, I became more concerned. I had been skiing since I was 6 years old, so I had no fear of coming in very close to the shoreline. As I flew in, I basically ended up stepping right out of my skis and came running up onto the sand. While that was cool, I remember calling for my mom to come over to me. I landed gracefully enough to show her my skis. She looked puzzled at first, but it quickly must have dawned on her. I remember her putting her arm on my shoulder and leaning in to talk to me.
The thoughts inside my head sounded something like this; Urgh!!!! What!!??? It can't be!!!! It's total bathing suit only weather. Pads just don't survive water!!!! It's only Tuesday!!! What will I do for the rest of the week???
Suffice to say, I did survive but it was one long and miserable week. I was stuck in a bathing suit top and shorts. At least I could still ride in the boat. I spent more time in that hot little travel trailer than I care to remember. I had cramps. Man oh man, did I have cramps! So, I began my very first period while water skiing. Now it makes me laugh. And I think the story kinda goes along with the rest of my quirky life.
Saturday, October 16, 2010

This post is not for the stuffy at heart, or the squeamish, or the ones who don't discuss bodily functions. You have been forewarned.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I Want Wonder Woman's Gold Bra and Bracelets, Please

My teflon is wearing thin. I joke with April to respray me before any "big" thing or possible uncomfortable situation but lately it has not helped.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Line

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Witness to Happiness

Homesick. I got so home sick the other day watching this family celebrate birthday's together. They were a big group, mostly sisters and one brother 8 of them total I think. Since they live all over the united states when they all get together they celebrate one another's birthdays.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Compilation, or Where Did My Summer Go?
So, if you've checked in to read my blog you've noticed I really haven't posted much this last 3 months. I really intended to but first, being out of school was such a relief I was off the computer more (I wanted to have a life and be involved, not head buried!); second, I have been working more this summer and we were busy (not much has changed there-still the bosses favorite whipping girl), and lastly we have had visitors for about a month solid. While it is fun, I wish the visits were spaced apart so we could enjoy them more and each other in between! Who knows, with the negative post I put on Facebook about Fox News and Glen Beck, my father-in-law swears he won't be back. I can only hope he was kidding. I'll just say, I'm glad I have no addiction to any news channel no matter how biased or unbiased it may be. I find the constant news on the TV to be exhausting.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Changing Values

Friday, September 3, 2010
A Surprise to His Wife

Faking this injury eventually back fired, but he swore he had a groin injury. Joe had convinced the massage therapists I worked for he had a badly pulled groin. According to him he received this painful injury while playing baseball.
The Perfect Day
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Trying Out New Recipes ~ And Making A Few Up as I Go Along