If you get the chance, drive down to the Oregon Coast. It is truly a site to behold. The coast is different from any other I've visited or lived upon. Green trees cover the mountains and hills to the east of the coast. The dunes that lead to the beach are thick with long grass and cool sand. Driftwood lies upon the beach where ever your eye lands. In the morning when the tide is out there are tide pools to be found that hold little treasures. We happen to see a small purple crab running to hide from our view.
We specifically stayed in Rockaway Beach. Is is the much less commercial cousin to Cannon Beach. Loved it. The locals were all very friendly and the main strip of town was packed with yummy fresh seafood. We had delicious fresh halibut, smoked salmon, and of course found a local mexican food restaurant. My Pina Colda was perfect and the food delicioso'!

We headed down to check out the Tillamook Cheese Factory. The cheese was had by all. The freebie's line long but worth it. We managed to avoid the ice cream that day! It was interesting to watch the process of cutting, weighing, packaging it up, and having it ready for sale. I felt sorry for the workers, who have to feel like hamsters in a cage with people watching them from above all day long. I wanted to flash the guys as they looked up, but we all figured it would get us kicked out of the place, so I resisted! Just thought it might lighten a very long and boring day.

The dunes at the beach. I realized I miss hearing the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. It was so peaceful.

Mom was a good sport and we had many laughs! The captain of Cannon Beach and mom.
It was a great trip, one that I could have extended for a full week of beach living. We will return!

The dunes at the beach. I realized I miss hearing the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. It was so peaceful.

Mom was a good sport and we had many laughs! The captain of Cannon Beach and mom.
It was a great trip, one that I could have extended for a full week of beach living. We will return!

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