Here's the deal. I'm having issues with people from that many years ago wanting to be friends on Facebook. I just don't get it. Honestly. Especially, if we were never friends to begin with or even acquaintances. I don't even recall having one conversation with you, ever. I just don't understand your interest in me.
Yes, I have some friends from High School on my Facebook page. And, yes I suppose they were part of the "inner sanctum" I was a part of way back then, but really the majority of them (especially "my girls") and I have stayed in touch. We have remained friends. We have remained in contact all these years and loved and supported one another. So forgive me if I reject your friend request.
I would naturally think me rejecting your friend request not once, not twice, but many more times than that would give you a hint. But no, I open my Facebook to see you there again today. I realize that even the nicest note I could write to you will make me sound like a stuck up snob. You don't know me well enough to know that I'm not. I'm just picky who I let into my personal space these days. I have absolutely no desire to relive high school, none what-so-ever. On top of that, you have befriended many people who's behavior and treatment of others I absolutely abhorred back then. I'm really not interested in finding out if they have changed. Really.
In addition, my life is full. I am busy. I'm in school taking some of the toughest classes I've ever encountered. I have a rockin' relationship with a women I adore. I moved away from California and it does not pain me in the least. (Except being away from my friends and family!) So, for me Facebook is an easy way to keep in touch with them. Not with people who were 1 in a High School of 2,400 who have some weird need to be my friend on Facebook. It's not personal, I swear. I really don't remember us ever having any communication. I do recall seeing you at the one and only reunion I attended. I seem to remember that you may be an attorney and live in the Pacific Northwest, but I'm not positive.
I don't look back at those years as the highlight of my life, or that I am forever a little beacon that bloomed in Cerritos and went on to great things because of it. Trust me, I don't. It was just school. Yes, some of it was fun. Some of it was worth it, but now I look back and wonder why I didn't get out at 16 and go on to college. I was that bored with the simple classes and the man-boys that taught us. My being involved in school was the only thing that kept me in it. There are no glory days I want to relive, really.
All that said, today I hit the friend button and added you. I can only say I feel like I've been stalked on Facebook and I just didn't see a way to handle it gracefully.
1 comment:
Thank you ever so much for this post. I've been deluged with "friend requests" from people I never even knew in High School. "Friend" my ass. You're just looking to score numbers on what passes for your ego inflation website.
My "friend" count may be low on those social networking sites, but it is genuine. We may not live nearby at the moment, but we ARE FRIENDS. IRL.
Screw you, posers.
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