In this "Girl World," as I call it, there tends to be drama. The Academy Awards does not know of the sector it is missing from its voting category, but I digress. It hasn't touched me personally, thank god, as I have a zero tolerance policy but still...it exists. I was warned about it from other friends before entering the lesbian arena as a full time participant, but really thought they were overstating things a bit.
Turns out I was wrong. Funny thing about that. But here is what it boils down to-April and I are just plain old damn lucky.
We are kind to each other. We don't try to manipulate one another. We talk about most everything, even the stuff one would rather pretend does not exist. Even things that make us wriggle in our skin because the truth of it is painful. This includes money, aging parents, ex's, difficult friends, past mistakes that we are still paying for, whether or not to give up the over priced cable we have become so accustomed to, children, moving, and where to go on vacation. Really there isn't anything (except those things out of respect for one another) we haven't discussed or will not be able to discuss.
Like any relationship, there is always compromise. There is consideration, but it is consideration that I am happy to give as this woman gives me so much. On top of that, she gets me, she just does. She gives me time to write, she even edits and proofs much of what I write. She'll tell me if something I wrote makes absolutely no sense, without hurting my feelings. She is supportive of me being back in school, even though it means less time for us and me spending another 12 weeks with my head in a book. I have to study to get good grades, and I do. They don't just land on my transcript without effort, which in turn means sacrifice. Since we get along, and we do have fun together, when I am enrolled in school I feel like our "norm" lacks. We miss one another.
Why do I divulge this? Because what I realize it that truly it could have gone a complete other direction for us. Like so many other couples we know, there could have been hidden needs that were left unsaid in the beginning. Bad habits that were put aside, could have come bubbling up to the surface eventually, demanding to be adhered to again. Images that appeared as real, turning out to be false. If you've been in relationship, you know the devils of which I speak. We've all faced them once or twice and some of us even married them for god only knows what reason. I too am not unguilty of falling for a fake. When it comes to love and lust there are so many places where one can drive off unwittingly into a ditch, only to realize it months (dollars, opportunities, promises, days, years) later it feels like an eternity has passed.
So, as of late and recent reminders, I once again must put to words just how lucky I am. Just amazingly so. Thank you April, for being who you said you were.
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