I'm a year into taking the science courses for entrance to the nursing program. Most of you know this, as I feel like I've really dropped "off the radar" of life, so to speak.
There is a general vibe I keep picking up among students and nurses who are both working and working on getting into the field. It is not good, and this bothers me. Basically, what I've encountered so far is mostly negative. That those who started out earnest, eager, and sweet turn away from that and become what they have encountered along the way (even if they detested the treatment they had received). Now, it may seem like I'm speaking in circles - so I will say it plainly - experienced nurses and physicians tend to treat the new nurses like crap on the bottom of a shoe.
Yes, there is an effort out there to try and change this but it is a long time in coming.
So, far it seems that the instructors in the sciences want to do the same in order to "toughen you up," to prepare you. I've been told by insiders that the actual Nursing Program is WORSE in so far as the treatment I will receive.
Plain and simply, I am too old to put up with this bullshit. Bullshit is exactly what it is.
I am starting to think I need to find an avenue in Human Rights, because frankly playing the "game" of being a student and getting poor treatment sucks. Not to mention that no one deserves to be disrespected when they are trying so hard and sacrificing much.
While I opt for new angles, I have been thinking of Diagnostic Sonography Program. Dim lighting, holding someone's hand and assuring them you will help them figure out what's what, science, and reports. I like the idea of this. The list is much longer of course, but that sums it up for me.
There is only one hitch, and it is that a few of the pre resquite classes are NOT something I want to take. Second small hitch, there are only a few of these programs in Washington, none within a decent drive time from our home.
Luckily, I have another quarter to decide this since Physiology is required for either program. Eh, sometimes being an adult just sucks.
You are exactly right about the crossroads, when you reach a point like that. I'm sure nursing is one of many professions that one reaches a point that makes or breaks. Being a nurse is a tough profession. If you really have the desire, you will emerge from these tests of will with maybe a few scratches, but also a sense of personal victory. Or, like you described, look for another path that better suits your desire. Either way, I admire your drive to push through it all, whatever direction that may be!
I think you would make an awesome sonogram tech! my gynea has one in her office and she says she gets paid very nicely.....plus she chooses her hours, as you have to make an appt!!
Having had many of those during the "cancer search" of 06, I would have loved to have had someone as sweet, funny and kind as you, holding my hand and doing it.!
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