After reviewing my previous post, it has dawned on me that I'd better get my mind wrapped around the next two and half chapters I'm being tested on this coming Wednesday. Have I mentioned my Micro Cell professor loves to write very difficult and tricky test questions? She does, in fact she rather delights in that very fact. So in light of that, until said test is accomplished next Wednesday (yes, it requires every bit of attention I can muster) here is my thankful list until test is complete...
~ Common sense, I possess. Does not always come on time, but is there when I choose to pay attention to it.
~ No snow. It is absolutely so cold out and inside our house...burrrrr. I love it, just not ready for the snow yet!
~New friends. Have been invited over to dinner by some girls I actually met at work, but they live across the alley from us. Yay to meeting new people!
~ Kitty's who box and play fight. As I type this I am being entertained by JackJack and Toupe. They are a hoot to watch and choose to annoy one another and play together almost everyday just to keep mama J laughing.
~ Pennies from Heaven. April paid my bills this last week. Hours are cut at work right now, business is slower, and money is tighter than ever. Thanks love.
~ A good old fashioned, very, very hot bath. Got home from work last night and my legs were aching bacon...nothing that a good soak didn't help (oh, and shot of vodka, ha!).
1 comment:
I love you truly madly crazy but please don't make me do a shot of vodka with you again!
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