are still great but really they make me miss my family even more. Not to mention the way my mom and her sisters have always prepared Turkey dinner.
There is no Thanksgiving that is ever like the one you grew up experiencing. A house filled with my many (sometimes first, second, and third) cousins, my aunt, uncle, mom, various Grandma's, extended family, the privileged in-laws, and a collection boyfriends/girlfriends through the years. I don't recall any Thanksgiving table with less than ten or twelve of us around it. Thankfully over the years we've all managed to graduate from the kids table to the adult table.
Honestly, I think the amount of food that was provided could have fed a small village somewhere. Seriously. Here's what I can remember. The snacks or hors d'oeuvres these were meant to stave off your hunger, of course! Nuts, celery stuffed with cream cheese or peanut butter, carrots, sliced radishes, and dip. Chips and dip. Deviled eggs. Oh, and don't forget the homemade candy or boxes of See's. Okay, and we haven't even started dinner yet. Oy!!!
Dinner. Wow, dinner. As I've gotten older I tried to limit my choices to only those things I really loved and were only served at a holiday dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, homemade gravy (thanks for teaching me how to make some seriously delish gravy mom), homemade stuffing (no stove top for our family, ever!) are probably the top four choices. And then of course, comes all the rest of the side dishes. Salad, homemade ranch dressing, fruit salad, rolls, butter, green bean casserole, vermicelli (a noodle dish my mom started making some years back), and yams with enough butter to clog at least one artery topped with brown sugar and marshmallows. We always had a relish try with pickles and olives. A plate with cranberry sauce. I'm sure there is more quite honestly, but those are the things I can recall seeing every holiday meal.
Okay, so you have to imagine lining up behind your family members with your plate. You get to the counter top holding most of the above mentioned dishes and trying to get it all to fit on your plate. Mountains of mashed potatoes await you. Each and every dish painstakingly homemade for you to enjoy. Truly, it was always delicious.
Sitting around the dinner table, catching up with family, laughing at old stories or new ones, and just enjoying seeing everyone growing up. It has all happened so very quickly. It is truly shocking. I can still recall when my cousin Madison was the ONLY grandchild at the holiday dinner and he sat next to Grandpa Ray in his carrier just as happy as could be. He had to be 9 months old and just as cute as ever. Today he has graduated from high school and attending college. What???? Where did the last 18 years go??? Amazing to me.
Football was ALWAYS on the television . ALWAYS. The men ate and then watched (wink, wink...napped during) football games. While we girls cleaned up, divvy up, and preparing for the next round. Yes, you know it. Dessert!!
Pie, pie, and more pie. Pumpkin. Chocolate Cream Pie. Pecan Pie. Homemade Apple, care of my mom. Cheese Cake. Banana Cream Pie. This of course was and is separate from the cookies, bars, and candy. Oh, and don't forget the ice cream and whip cream to accompany the pie! I remember Sydney not wanting anything but a bowl of whip cream! Is there any wonder why we tend to gain weight around the holidays?
Okay, so this is just the food...next post, the family memories.
1 comment:
Hi Jamie,
I love reading your blog and finding out the stuff that is still important to you that you remember. It's all true, these foodie stories, and the beat goes on, as they say. You missed a delicious one last Thursday at our house.
Missed you very much and your sweet smile. love you girl, Mom
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