a very suckie week.
I do not like drama. I do not enjoy it. I hate feeling like I'm going to cry. I hate feeling sick to my stomach. I do not want to feel anxiety. I don't like being afraid that I am going to get yelled at or be made a fool of.
I am hating it even more that all my close friends are far away. I am not liking that my family is far from me. That April is far away and attempting to talk on the phone, is just that, an attempt at best.
If I was a drinking girl, I'd be drunk. A drug addict, wasted or high but I am neither of those. I'm attempting not to "eat," over all of this, so it leaves me here.
In search of a voice. In search of the answers. Of how to flip the backwards week around, back to the life I do love. The life I wake up excited about having. The one that puts a smile on my face.
One of my best qualities is to awaken renewed, ready to start again, try again, and not give up. Resiliency could be made middle name.
I finally had a successful Gram Stain at class tonight. It might not mean much to anyone, but it means something to me. It means I can move forward on a project that is difficult and long and I only have two weeks to complete ~ but at least now I know I am headed in the right direction.
That is the same feeling I need to have in my heart again.
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