of the morning is a wonderful way to start the day. It gives my mind time to just wander and think about the week. The month. The year. To think about the holiday and just how lucky we are in this small household of five and a half. (Yes, Pidge only gets a half count since he weighs under 10 ounces.)
This morning it feels as if the silence has swirled around me like a blanket. Keeping me comfy and warm, safe and content. Letting me in on the secrets my heart holds. Do more art, my unconscious whispers. Your body wants exercise (your mind as well), in the silence my mind can acknowledge this request. In the silence it is possible to hear these simple needs arise to the surface, not merely feel them as a distant rumbling. In the silence I feel the courage to move on and find employment that will serve me. I can feel the courage. I can feel the truth, that I am worth hiring. Who wouldn't want me on their team?
The silence in our home is sprinkled with play. Toupee is running in circles upstairs (how can a 8 pound cat sound like a wild heard of elephants all by himself?) trying to get Jack's attention to chase him. He is most always successful and the game of tag begins. The run, they tackle, they escape from one another and begin again. Pidge is serenading himself in the large mirror, loudly. He woof whistles at himself and then begins to sing. He is so in love, with his own image. Of course this song is interrupted by occasionally landing on my head to talk to me. The silence not quite so sound, but they are happy sounds that disrupt and I am thankful for them.
The comfort of the silence this morning makes offering up the cable box back to Comcast soon so much easier.
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