For those of you who still bother to check in here and see if I am alive, I am.
It's not that I haven't wanted to write, but that the days seem to be fuller lately and by the time I think of sitting down to blog well the ideas have vanished. Brain dead. I also have been reading quite a bit, which is a nice change of scenery for me. I am loving this book, the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
School update for today, two classes left and I am applying for Nursing School for this Fall/Winter. Get completely anxious every time I think about it but going to plunge ahead and go for it. Not in class this quarter due to a error on behalf of the communication or lack there of between nursing records office and college admissions office. By the time I caught the prereq debacle, all classes I could possibly take were full. Besides the fact that an inner office envelope and approval take days to happen, apparently.
This has been a good and bad thing. Good because I am working and not having to study. Bad because truly, it is really nice having a life. Hanging out with April, being social, actually doing things, not having to be in the library every weekend, seeing friends these are all activities I miss when in class. I don't want to get too used to it. It will have to come to an end again, sigh.
Planning on death carrying out death to cable when we return from Phoenix on the 9th, then I will have plenty of time to blather, I mean blog!