Don't get me wrong, there are still things I covet. But, truly when I look at my life I have everything I need. Okay, there are some pairs of underwear that need replacing and I could use some new comfy work shoes but truly I have enough. I have a lot. People tell me I never ask for anything anymore, I'm not sure why that is but gradually the things I want aren't really "things" at all. Does that makes sense?
For instance, I want to be done with school, educated, gainfully and happily employed. To be where my brain and sense of humanity is required on a daily basis.
I'd like a new car and while mine is definitely lacking a few niceties right now, it still runs darn good. Besides, I just don't want a car payment. Period.
And, after watching our friend Lucy pack up everything that was needed and important to her for her move to France, well let's say I realize how much crap I have. She could only take 3 suitcases. Of course that includes clothes, shoes, and other daily necessities. Not to mention her Wii, camera, and phone. I lost count of the number of trash bags she filled with things that she felt only meant something to her, so they were tossed. It made me think. How much of my household is like that, how much of my "stuff" has any worth to anyone but me? What do I really need?
I go back to having what I truly need...with some wants still lingering. I come home to someone who can't wait to see me and who's arrival I still anticipate with a smile. I go to sleep feeling loved and wake up the same way.
There is plenty of food in our pantry and fridge. I suppose if there wasn't I could live "off the fat of the land," as my Dad would say, indefinitely.
I am able to attend classes and succeed when many are unable to due to cost or family obligations.
I live in a state I live with a view of Puget Sound and surrounding islands and mountains I get to enjoy daily.
I have friends I love and whom love me back. I have family I can count on for love and support.
I know these "things" sound pretty esoteric, but truly they are what makes me happy. Amazing what jumping off a cliff and onto a completely new horizon will do for your perspective, isn't it?
What do you want? What makes you happy? What are you hoping to find under your Christmas tree this year?
1 comment:
Agree with all the above. Have no needs...though a job would be nice! But even that no longer haunts me.....don't get me wrong, it bugs, but it doesn't haunt!:-) lol
All I wish for is to find some personal self discipline to get my ass in to gear and running. If I can get my body healthy, all other good stuff will follow. I keep trying...someday I will get it right ~ probably the same day I drop dead but...hee hee.
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