For many years I wrote. I wrote poems. I wrote in a journal. I just loved to write. Basically, I would tell you I almost had to - it's really how I get things out of my system. How I make sense of it all. Up until a few years ago I had all those journals from a very long time ago, as in Jr. High and High School Days.
About 11 years ago, I just stopped writing. Something in me shifted. Or dried up. Or just headed south. I don't really know what happened to the need or the words I only know they were no longer present.
Two days ago I was driving home from work and I saw the trees April and pilfered though late one night to add to our fall leaf collection. Those trees stood with the wind blazing through them almost half naked. I wondered if they were cold. I know it sounds strange...but the point I'm getting to is that whatever once was absent is back again. There in the minutes of a red light I composed a perfect poem, inspired by the amazing fall colors that were awash over the leaves. I didn't have a pen or paper, so the words escaped me. But that is not the point.
I felt a similar feeling again, today when I was watching April and realizing how integral she is to my life. I'm happy. I'm a bit surprised. I thankful.
Some inner homeostasis must finally be restored in my soul to have a voice I value so much return. It has to be a reflection of the peacefulness I feel. The sureness of my faith. The love my life is filled with today.
Whatever it was that whisked the words back into my heart ~ thank you.
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