We drove for another 15 minutes or so east on the 2 and just like we were told once we went up a distinct hill and back down the Big Eddy area would be on our right. We pulled into the gravel parking lot and found a path that lead down towards the river. We walked across another gravel parking area and went right down to the river. There was a nice picnic area that a family was enjoying. People were playing in the water, laying in the sad lapping up the sunshine, and tubing in the river.

There is something so soothing about moving water and sunshine. Even though we were not far from home it felt like we were on a vacation far away.
I skipped some rocks. April buried her feet in the soft, wet, sand. We watched some mutts wade in the water. One was chasing a ball and seemed to get more frisky as she became soaking wet. People were mellow and that was awesome.
There was a large group of people who linked their rafts together and floated off down the river. That brought memories back of all the hours I spent tubing down the Colorado River as a kid and teenager. Tubing was one of the things that was the most fun thing about my families river trips. We'd sing, we'd flirt, we'd laugh, and just be goofy. It was so much fun.
There was a large group of people who linked their rafts together and floated off down the river. That brought memories back of all the hours I spent tubing down the Colorado River as a kid and teenager. Tubing was one of the things that was the most fun thing about my families river trips. We'd sing, we'd flirt, we'd laugh, and just be goofy. It was so much fun.
Day tripping is fun, especially in your own area. We did that last year on our 'staycation'. It's nice to see the local sites~
Well, I want to go when I'm there. Love that putting your feet (or whole body) in the river.
xo Mom
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