This is my mom. Her name is Penny. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and of course, being a good and supportive mom, she reads my blog. So mom, this one's for you! For all that you've done, for all that you do, for the love you given me that reaches beyond the distance. You taught me to trust myself and be strong. You taught me to speak up for myself. You taught me compassion and kindness. You let me laugh and play. You offered up all your creative talents to keep me entertained and happy when I was a kid.
Life has not always be easy (is it ever?) and we have come through some pretty big hurdles to still find our way back to one another as mother and daughter. For your continued trying I am grateful. I know that even when we disagree, we still love one another and that is a lesson for all of us to learn.
I think you sacrificed a great deal for us (Jeff and I) as kids and I appreciate that. Somehow, I think you may have often dreamt of a horse ranch far removed from city life and Dad. But you stayed, and provided us with the best you could. Thanks for that mom.
Jamie's Top Ten for Mom's Best Evers
10. Baked Alaskan for my birthday - you made it and it was an awesome feat! 9. All the theme birthday parities you threw for me! Remember the Panda Cake? Ferrels Ice Cream Parlor - with so many kids in the car we got a flat tire in the drive way! Dad never knew! 8. Letting Jeff and I play in the back yard with the water wiggle even thought it meant every window on our house and neighbors would get wet. 7. Getting me Raggs for my 6th birthday. He was the best dog for 17 years. 6. Teaching me how to coordinate fabric, notions, and pick out patterns. But you sewed, woot! 5. Doing my hair for me. Especially the little bun that made me feel so grown up, or those lovely stinky home perms that smelled so wonderful! Ha. 4. Teaching me how to drive a stick shift in one, yes, one night, in Grandma's mini orange Honda. 3. Teaching me the value of family. Holidays, beach, birthdays, Cousin Parties, weddings, etc... 2. Taking care of yourself and making us eat salad every night at dinner, no matter what! I still crave greens!
1. Just being you, with all your love for me. That love I have never doubted.
(Oh, and mostly being a good sport through out the years!)
1 comment:
My dear daughter,
How thoughtful of you, as always just the sweetest girl. Thank you for all the second chances you have given me to be better at mothering. We did have some fun when you were growing up!
I'm on my way back from Phoenix this morning, as I said, the weeds are calling me. The newest addition to our family, JayCee Lee, is just the cutest and got to smiling pretty big yesterday. Wow! I didn't know what I was missing.
Love you, Mom
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