Here I go. Another quarter. I just have to keep reminding myself, it's only 10 weeks. Keep telling myself I can do ANYTHING for 10 weeks. Right. Right.
So, class starts at 8am this morning. Close your eyes and imagine this...(oh, but read on, of course!).
The alarm goes off at 6:45am. I hit the snooze. Once, again, again, finally I turn off the alarm. Oh no, I have fallen back to sleep and it's now 7:15am. Spring out of bed. Grab the jeans, warmest soxs, boots, turtle neck, warmest jacket. No time for a shower. Just put on a knit cap. Brush teeth, get goobers out of eyes, wash face. Pack up and go. It's now 20 minutes to 8am.
It snowed last night. It's cold outside. I have been walking to school, it's only about 5 blocks away...but like I said it's shivering kinda cold outside. Now, it's wet. Rainy. The snow is not so pretty this morning as it's all gunked up with mud and rain. I drive and park on the street as close as I can get to campus. No need to get a parking permit, as there is never any parking spots open, even at this time of the morning.
Hike over to the classroom very carefully, I have to get some boots that won't slip in the ice and snow. Have to!!! Head to White's Hall, find room 102. Pretty full class. Walk in grab a seat. Am handed a quiz (a quiz on the first day????) and the syllabus.
Mr. Professor looks younger than me. He is. He seems a bit unsure of himself. He starts talking at 7:50am. Introduces himself, and seems about as excited as a doorknob to be there. Has not taught in 5 years. Greattttttt. I wish I could describe the way he moves. He's young, but stiff. Not bad looking, but so monotone I'm going to have to reconsider my vow of giving up coffee. Oh, it's going to be an interesting 10 weeks. A long, interesting 10 weeks. Did I mention there is a quiz on Wednesday, already??? GHM.
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