One of the things I love about NOT being in school is that I have free time. Free time equals more time to be creative. Taking photos, changing the color of some furniture, writing, painting (okay, so I have some ideas but nothing on canvas), and cooking!
This week I came up with a cold chicken thai noodle salad. Loved it! Teriyaki chicken, cucumber, fresh bean sprouts, carrots, cilantro, very finely chopped celery, and green onions. The peanut sauce recipe was oh so easy (I had to improvise a bit since I didn't pick up the coconut milk at TJ's when I saw it!). I cooked up the spaghetti noodles, tossed it with the veggies, chicken, and peanut sauce, and dinner was served. So easy to put together as well, and tasted even better on the second day after everything was chilled through completely.
A few weeks back I made a dinner salad based on the idea of Caprese Salad.You know the one, fresh basil, tomato slices, and fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese.

I happen to like it with a bit of balsamic, EVO, and kosher salt. So, I mixed some romaine lettuce up with fancy mixed greens to begin. I added fresh tomato, chopped up basil, TJ's marinated mozzarella balls, and amazing croƻtons from the farmers marker (what a deal, a buck fifty for a bag of multi grain bites of deliciousness). I topped it off with a mix EVO, balsamic vinegar, pressed garlic, black pepper, and Italian spices. It was so delectable.
I would love to tell you I have made an amazing salad like every night, but no. Thinking that will be something I have to start doing with some of the things I have in mind, but sure have had fun experimenting with dinner!
Tonight, first try at real Buttercream Frosting for cupcakes I'm making to take to work. Onto the powdered sugar awaiting me in the one woman kitchen!
p.s. I would be happy to pass on any recipes! I will try to link them here, as well.