Okay, we dove inside tonight in class tonight. First a heart from a calf, not so bad except for all the fatty, icky, floppy stuff on the outside of it. The inside was way cool to view. The photo is of the cat kidney, ours looked exactly like this one.
But, the cat. Poor Stretch the cat, he stinks. Not as bad as some of the others in class, but not good either. We cut him open just above the diaphragm, up to the armpits, if you will. Then we headed about two inches past the original incision and cut him open down to the groin.
To back up a bit, we did watch our professor cut her cat open and demonstrate. Smell aside, there is something about all the gooey bits that just make me loose it. I kept on gagging and almost tossed my cookies several time when she lifted up the cover over the intestines. Gross looking does not even describe it. Once that ugly grossness was lifted up and flipped over, the rest was amazing. I wonder why the jiggly stuff gets to me.
We (Tracey and I) were pretty lucky that our cat was not moldy like some others in class. Nor was it almost gag me icky, dark, almost forest green inside like our neighbors. I now know more about my cats and the innards that I ever needed to know or wanted to know.
While it is fascinating, I dream of a lab that is totally freezing with air conditioning and good ventilation. Cats that are kept in refrigeration would be wonderful as well.
I can't wait until March 18th, no more kitty dissection!